Super Single Mattress Singapore

    The models of single mattress and significance

    The density

    The density (since it can only refer to the type of mattresses in polyurethane foam or viscoelastic material, therefore all types of spring mattresses are excluded) indicates the weight of a body per unit of volume, high values ​​indicate a more cellular structure. dense but this does not mean that the mattress is harder, and it is also a value that can be strongly influenced by the temperature, as the volume of the foam or latex varies significantly in the presence of heat. Optimal density values ​​for foams of 35-40 kg / m³ super single mattress singapore.

    which allows a balancing of the spinal column and an improvement of blood circulation.

    The height

    Height is also a parameter to consider. Generally the best mattresses are higher than the others (30 cm) and have different layers of padding.In latex or polyurethane mattresses, it is necessary to evaluate the thickness of the core (it must be at least 12 cm) and the density of the structure (at least 60 kg / m3 for latex and 35-40 kg / m3 for polyurethane. In those with springs with differentiated zones, the minimum thickness is 21 cm.

    Super Single Mattress Singapore

    Hypoallergenic or air-conditioned?

    Allergies are a fairly common problem, to counteract that to mites that can cause the onset of respiratory disorders or dermatitis it is necessary to choose a hypoallergenic mattress, especially among the latex or foam models. It is also necessary to use coverings made with very tightly woven fabrics.

    The air-conditioned lining, on the other hand, is the best choice if we are more interested in comfort during seasonal changes, choose wool for the cold months, cotton and linen for the warm ones.

    Spring mattresses anti-mite orthopedic spring mattress mode.

    spring mattresses, despite the enormous success that latex and memory foam ones have had, are still the most used today. During the night the weight of the body is supported by helical springs which at the tip can be covered by various materials which increase comfort considerably.

    The only thing to pay attention to is the number of springs inside if too low is not good, if too high they are useless and expensive.

    The prices of spring mattresses are one of the main advantages that these products still possess today. The price also varies according to both the rigidity and the number of springs inside. Among the disadvantages, however, we remember that an expensive spring mattress is not synonymous with comfort, but only with a greater number of springs in many cases and even useless.

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